Monday, February 11, 2008

Amy And Kanye Win Big At Grammy's

Congratulations are in order for Amy Winehouse’s multiple Grammy wins. Well deserved, in my opinion. And boos for Kanye West, who is increasingly becoming an insufferable, pompous windbag. His Grammy wins will do nothing except to burnish his already oversize ego. And he's not even a good rapper. He may be a great producer, but his pop rants are just that, rants. Obviously, members of the musical establishment that vote for the Grammy’s have no clue what hip-hop is.

UPDATE: Singer Natalie Cole is complaining that Winehouse didn’t deserve to win:
“I don’t think she deserved it,” previous Grammy-winning singer Natalie Cole said. “I think she needs to get her life together first, and then get the awards later."

…Cole also called Winehouse “crazy,” and complained that we are teaching youngsters that they can get rewarded for bad behavior.h
Unfortunately, rock n’ roll rewards bad behavior, and in the case of Amy Winehouse, she is the archetypical rock princess—simply bad, bad, bad. And people love her for it. Whether this is a good or bad thing is debatable; or it simply doesn't matter. Perhaps Winehouse was judged on her talents alone?

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